Sample Project 3
sample 4
sample project 2
Sample Project 1
Based in New York City and Tehran, L’atelier Arman Safavi operates as a boutique multidisciplinary practice focused on Interiors, Furniture and architectural design. Our focus is on function, materiality, and aesthetics when it comes to design services while showcasing a very carefully curated collection of timeless products and collectible furniture to our clientele and working professionals in the industry. Our designs are not formulaic or style driven but are derived from measured principles and genuine collaboration. That’s what makes us different.
Our team members draw from talent and expertise in a variety of backgrounds including fine art, photography, interior design and architecture. We design, direct and execute custom intelligent interiors and environments for private residences and commercial properties from concept through creation.BB
Offering a full creative direction and Interior Design service, our projects range from the two-dimensional page to the three-dimensional space, and from the real to the conceptual.
We collaborate with clients who seek alternative ways of developing their brand or their Interior. Its distinctive approach disregards convention in favour of something altogether more brave and joyous. Our team members are able to draw on a wide range of talents and diverse backgrounds, including Fine Art, Photography, Interior Design and Architecture.
Our vision at L’atelier Arman Safavi & our mission @artofinteriors is to educate, cater and contribute to the global architecture, interiors and design community with high immerse on our beloved Iran.
Based in New York City and Tehran, L’atelier Arman Safavi operates as a boutique multidisciplinary practice focused on Interiors, Furniture and architectural design. Our focus is on function, materiality, and aesthetics when it comes to design services while showcasing a very carefully curated collection of timeless products and collectible furniture to our clientele and working professionals in the industry. Our designs are not formulaic or style driven but are derived from measured principles and genuine collaboration. That’s what makes us different.

Offering a full creative direction and Interior Design service, our projects range from the two-dimensional page to the three-dimensional space, and from the real to the conceptual. We collaborate with clients who seek alternative ways of developing their brand or their Interior. Its distinctive approach disregards convention in favour of something altogether more brave and joyous. Our team members are able to draw on a wide range of talents and diverse backgrounds, including Fine Art, Photography, Interior Design and Architecture. Our vision at L’atelier Arman Safavi & our mission @artofinteriors is to educate, cater and contribute to the global architecture, interiors and design community with high immerse on our beloved Iran.



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